We went out for Sushi and Tsing Tao beer. And then spent the rest of the night in quiet, in bed, under the warmth of the electric blanket and each others arms.
The next week I had a DNC and with that came complications that took me into the following week. And more doctors visits and more ultrasounds. My OB asked that we abstain for 2 months to gives things a rest. Yeah that was 2 months of hell. I won't go into details, but not being able to comfort each other in such an intimate way was difficult.
We went to the first of many fun get togethers at the home of Caleb, Adam, and Tod. We sang and played Rock Band in the SubMarine lounge until the wee hours of the morning.
In January we bought a house,put our house and the market and started moving. It doesn't look like a lot of work on paper but when you consider that Gabe and I work full time then have to come home to organize, pack, prime, paint, clean, etc. you can imagine the hours put out.
Right after we moved, Connor (Gabe's brother) went through a tough time and "ran away" from home. We talked him into staying at our house while we sorted this out as a family. Mom and Connor got back on track and Connor stayed at home again. And later in the year started dating Autumn.
We went to Hawaii for a quick weekend get away with my grams and my two aunts. It was a long distance for a short stay.
But it was well worth the trip. We boogie boarded (well sort of), and spent an entire day under an umbrella on the beach relaxing. We had fantastic dinners every night with my aunt Caroline and Gramma. We took an OutRigger ride out off Diamond Head, one of the highlights of the trip. We hung out with strangers on the beach, I got pushed down and rolled around by a wave in all my clothes. After that we decided to go swimming and swam in the dark water for 2 1/2 hours listening to the live bands and watching tiki torches flicker. We snorkeled at Waimea Bay and walked for miles. And my family got to know Gabe a little better.
This time my OB said "don't get pregnant for at least 3 months, give your body some time to get back to normal". This was a doubled edged sword. It hard to hear him say "you can't" but at the same time I knew it gave us 3 months to get things in order.
We auditioned and were cast in Tony and Tina's Wedding an improv show at Northern Quest Casino. It was the funnest show I have ever been a part of and I met the most amazing people!
This began 40 some days straight of absolute fun and adventure and pure exhaustion with Andrew, Jeff and various friends. There was a spark in me that lit a fire that has burned hot for several months after the show. Andrew and I had many fun play "dates". We hiked mineral ridge, rode the hottest Gondola ever, drank wine, took tons of pictures, snuck into the cemetary and enjoyed getting to know each other better. Jeff and Andrew stayed many weekends with us and we have designated a room just for them.
Jeff and Andrew have become lifelong friends and brothers of choice. I love them. We have such Fun together!
Gabe and I started dancing. Swing dancing to be exact. We love to go out and dance to Hot Club of Spokane (HCoS) and Six Foot Swing. (SFS) - I'll post more about this later with pics.
Kristina and Rowan had one of our favorite bands, Six Foot Swing, play at their wedding. We had a blast!
We spent the 4th of July up at the lake cabin for the first time in a LONG time. Gabe and I bought a tent and camped with Jeff. It was tons of fun. Stephen, his girlfriend Chelsea, and dog Charlie came over from Seattle. They joined my brother Chris and wife Misty, Aunt Julie, Kelvin, Aunt Caroline, Alix, Melissa and Gramma. We gave gramma her violin for her mother's day gift. She was so excited to start playing. We had fireworks and a new boat to celebrate the 4th. Aunt Julie took my cousin Alix and me out for a fast and high flying ride in the pull toy. We almost flew out a few times! And we played Rock band with Alix and Melissa.
Caleb, Adam and Tod started a rap band called Debutante Savant (Hip Hop for Perverts) and I love them. No details here, but if you want to know more you can google them. They would like that...ha ha
I took a girls weekend with Tricia, Lisa and Katie Kerby to Leavenworth. It was the first time I have really felt like I had a girls weekend. At least as an adult! More details/pics on this later as well. Cheers!
We finally got unpacked and hung pictures on the walls. We had our house warming party and have several get togethers throughout the summer.
We said good bye to Tom Olson who went to Chicago to do improv.
Now we are into the fall.
My brothers Chris and Teddy helped us get wood ready for the winter.
We spent a fantastic night at the Glover Mansion dancing the night away to HCofS and SFS. They had their first annual Monster's Ball. We will definitely make this a yearly tradition. Then we went to the Halloween Hangover party at the SubMarine lounge, played Rock Band and got a private Debutante Savant performance.
And the long and short of it is that it has been one hell of a year, with no baby. And we now have the green light to start trying again.
Wish us luck!
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