Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Abigail at 33 weeks

Here is the latest ultrasound shot of Abigail.

It is pretty grainy looking, but that might be because she is so big, who knows. Any how the blob above her forehead is her hand, kind of looks like she is giving us a thumbs up!

This last ultrasound tech was a different person than normal, and it was a guy, so I am glad that I didn’t have to have a vaginal scan done as that would have been a little awkward.

He took the time to show us things we hadn’t seen like her: bladder, kidneys, lips, nose, hair on her head, eye sockets (her face was creepy looking like something from a horror movie poster, but cute too….), diaphragm, heart vessels, brain, tongue, along with the usual, legs bones, spine, stomach, head, etc. We saw her sucking with her mouth and apparently she emptied her bladder during the scan, so it looks like that is working 

She is estimated to weigh 4lbs 8oz already, which is right on target for 33 weeks. Her heart rate was 143 beats per minute, again perfectly normal. If she gains the estimated half a pound a week from now until, let’s say 39 weeks, she would be around 7 ½ pounds at delivery.

Abigail is head down and ready to go. The tech did not see anything that would indicate a cord around her neck and felt that we were “in the clear” as far as an accidental umbilical cord death, being that she doesn’t have much room to move around now. Yes, of course I think about those kind of things!

Her movements have changed because she has less room, and because she is head down. The other day we felt her foot clear as day! That was pretty ____ (fill in the blank). It is those kinds of things that really blow your mind and make you feel like you have an alien in there.

The other good news is that my placenta has moved 2.8 cm from the cervical opening, and from that the technician didn’t feel that a c-section would be needed. Looks like I will have to come to grips with the fact that she is going to be pushed out of my body. Lovely.

My OBGYN took me off the “restrictions” that I have had the whole pregnancy. YAY!!! Been waiting to hear that for a LONG time, it seems. Obviously it isn’t like I am going to go do a marathon or lift hay bales, but it is nice to know that I could take the dogs for a walk if I wanted to without feeling like I am putting myself or Abigail at risk.

All an all things are progressing as they should. Mere weeks left to go! Let’s hope she keeps baking for at least another month.

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