Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Cat is Out of the Bag

That's right, the Cat is Out of the Bag and I can finally publicly announce that we are expecting!

Our little one is due on 08/05/09 and time will fly by between now and then. So much to do, and it seems like so little time to make it all happen.

With all the trouble I had in the past year, we made the decision to wait until we were at least 14 weeks along to announce to anyone. Not even our parents knew! As of today I am 16 weeks 4 days along and things are going pretty well.

We found out the day after Thanksgiving that I was preggers, and it was one of the most confusing moments of my life. I took a two test leading up to Thanksgiving and they were both negative. I supposed I didn't really want to accept that I wasn't pregnant and took one more, for good measure.

I went into the bathroom without telling Gabe what I was doing, and after what seemed like forever two little pink lines appeared on the test. It was positive. I covered my mouth and started shaking, and then the tears came. The first few seconds it was joy, then it turned into pure panic and fear.

I ran downstairs to tell Gabe. He was coming out of the bathroom and I handed the test to him without saying anything, my hand still covering my mouth and tears rolling down my face. He embraced me a giggled a little, and then I melted into a sobbing mess.

"What are we going to do now? What if something happens? I don't think I can go through that again?" I was terrified, excited, but terrified that we were blessed with yet another little miracle that could be ripped away from us at any moment. I wasn't sure I was ready for that in those early moments.

After about an hour, I realized, that I was in for the ride no matter what this time.

After an ultrasound at 14 weeks 5 days showing us a healthy, kung-fu-ing little baby, we felt that it was about time to tell our friends and family. Better late than never, I suppose. Especially since my belly is starting to show signs of pregnancy! You can't hide that forever.

I will continue to post throughout my pregnancy so if you want to keep up with the Strine's check back often!

If you look carefully you can see that the little one is sticking it's tongue out! Pretty funny kiddo already!


  1. Congrats! I'm glad things are going well for you this time around. Sounds like it'll be a big summer for family babies!

  2. Yupee! It must be such a relief not to be keeping such a big secrete, although I can understand not wanting to talk about it until you were into your second trimester. Congratulations!
