Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The latest on Abigail

We had another ultrasound on the 23rd. See?

I admit there has been some doctoring on my part. I really wanted to have a profile-ish picture and her hand was moving along her face, so I photoshopped it out. I am a bad mom.

I am happy to report that she clearly has a nose and lips i.e. a face. That is a relief. You may be asking "was that really something to be concerned about?" The answer is "yes". If you are me, "yes". I couldn't tell from the last ultrasound that she had a defined nose and set of lips, so of course, it made me wonder.

The GOOD news:
Abigail is right on target and is doing great. She is 1lb 12 oz. of activeness right now.

The BAD news:
The doctor has now classified my "condition" as placenta previa. Which means the chances of my placenta moving away from my cervix and allowing for a vaginal delivery are pretty slim. In other words, I will almost certainly have to have a c-section.

The GOOD news:
There is a slight chance that things could change. I still have a lot of growing left to do and another ultrasound in 4 weeks. Until we see no change again in a month, there is still hope.

The bottom line is that Abigail is healthy and my pregnancy is continuing to progress. That is what matters in the end.

1 comment:

  1. It is SO funny you removed her little hand. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well and that both you and Abigail are healthy. Happy Mother's Day!
